Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Voice Lessons and...forgot the other thing.

Hello again! Still new at this. 
The most exciting thing happened yesterday. I. Took. A. VOICE LESSON!!!! My first, actually. It was so cool! But it was kinda annoying because we went at the scheduled time at 1:45 PM and it turned at the teacher had accidentally scheduled another lesson at that time after driving ALL the way to Pecheco but she was very nice so I forgave her. Then we (Mom and I) went to Target :-) and went home and back again at 7:15 for the lesson. It was so...cool. Exciting. Different. Weird. I dunno. It was an amazing lesson and she obviously knew how to sing, but the way she taught how to sing was COMPLETELY different from anything I'd ever done. It's like my whole perspective on singing and what singing IS completely shifted and it kinda freaked me out. But I'm going back next Monday for another lesson! I'm SO excited! 
So I was practicing singing today in my room the way she had taught me, and I know I sounded weird because of all the exercises she told me to do but when I came out of my room my little brother (MC) came up to me and said 'Jeez I thought you were dying in there!' I swear he'd better watch what he says or one of these days...anyways.
Wow, not bad for a second post!  


~Lara from the Sahara said...

dude blogging comes naturally takes practice. it's ok!!!! ya ur gonna hav to deal with people commenting on ur singing. i mean believe it or not but ive gotten really hurtful remarks from people about my singing but u need to remember that if it's sumthing u luv u hav to keep going for it, if u let people's comments get to u and u giv up then it jus goes to show that u werent comitted to it. anyway keep blogging dude!!!! ok well PEACE!! (is SO out) :P

Karen said...

Thanks for telling us about your blog. I put you on my favorites list! So you have to keep it up.

AnnaDee said...

tcm says stuff like that too.they should form a club : ) or we should. 'singers with brothers who don't like singing' lol!

Anonymous said...

no way aunt karen left a comment!!! go adopted aunts!