Thursday, August 28, 2008

School Started. Omigawsh. (copyright)

Ok, well APPARENTLY I copied the title from my cousin. So I had to put the copyright thingy.

School started. Wow!!!!!! Okay in the last few days I've had things to post, but I didn't and right now I don't have anything.'s my schedule:

1st period: Garner, science

2nd: Iglesias, Spanish

3rd: Wetterholm, Orchestra

4th: Flores, PE

5th: Moser, math

6th: Victor, English

7th: Victor, English

So yeah. It's pretty exciting. But I miss all of my old classes. You know what's weird? Last year I didn't have too many friends in my classes, but they were still fun and had (pretty much) good kids in them. For the most part. But THIS year I have a ton more friends in my classes but besides that my classes are BAD. So, it's like, either I have a lot friends in bad classes or just a couple friends in good classes. What the heck!

I'm listening to David Archuleta's new song right now. Just so you know I'm not like a HUGE David Archuleta fan, but this song is so cute! I have it on CD (and on YouTube of course!) but I also really want it on my ipod, so that when I want to listen to an awesome-cute-sweet love song that's not about breaking up and hating ex-boyfriends I can listen to this one!

Well, I went out to dinner tonight, with some of my extended family. It was so much fun! My cuz Laralu and I sat across from each other and just LAUGHED the whole time! It was so much awesome stupidness! Our cuz Katy was there too, jsut laughing with us at our stupid arguments and our ridiculous efforts to diss each other. About half way through she's like "Wow, I wish I had a video camera on you guys!" Yeah we're that hilarious. Then we thought that yeah, that would be great because us two and Annadee keep making randomosity videos for YouTube and it would've been perfect! But oh well. It was so much fun!

Luv y'all!!!!!!!!!1

Sunday, August 24, 2008

He's gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BTW to those of you that were wondering my name thingy is Emmajojo because missamandarose called me that one day to keep me seperate from EmmaStewie so yah...............

Dude, MY BROTHER LEFT FOR COLLEGE LAST FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO sad i can't believe he's GONE! :-( I even cried a couple times about it! And I can say that here without shame because he probably doesn't even know I have a blog.... I miss him!

Also, sorry I haven't emailed/blogged in a LONG time I haven't been on the computer in almost TWO WEEKS!!!!!!!!! (gasp, I know its a record)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Should I read Twilight?

Hi all! Yeah I know I just posted. But this is important. In a couple years, when I'm like 15, should I read Twilight? I welcome any and all opinions on this matter. So comment and tell me if I should!

Beijing Olympics

O my goodness did any of you watch the Beijing Olympics Opening Ceremonies? They were INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!! I am not kidding they were so cool!!!!! the countdown until the ceremonies was so awesome!!!! And when the Olympic rings were lifted up off the!
One of the best parts was we were all watching the part where there were all the boxes being raised up in patterns and some people were like 'there are people in them! You can see their feet when they raise up!' and others were like 'no no no its all way too precise!' and then when it was done all the people popped out of them and we were all like 'There WERE people under there! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh!' It was SO funny!
Another one of the highlights was we were all just waiting waiting waiting for Team USA come out of the tunnel and after what felt like HOURS they came out and we all just CHEERED and CHEERED and CHEERED for the USA!!!!!!!!!!!! It rocked!!!!!!!!
So here I am, only half paying attention to what I'm writing here because the other half of me is focused on the Olympics. One of the women's beach volleyball teams just conquered the Dutch team in a match! That sport is really fun to watch, but the 'uniforms' (aka bikinis) they wear are...really really gross. Anyways...
Ta ta for now!

Friday, August 8, 2008

My brother's grad party is so exclusive.

My brother is having a grad party and all his friends are outside and Mom is SO intent on making sure we don't get anywhere near them its SO annoying. So we just have to sit around inside watching them ALL have fun and its not like I WANT to hang out with seniors but its annoying that we can't even eat with them for Pete's sake! At least we can watch the opening ceremonies for the Olympics with them but we have to watch ALL the way from the kitchen! I mean COME ON! We're not even allowed to go near them when we're all just WATCHING TV? And plus I was even nice enough to make delicious homemade brownies for the party (oh, fine, I used a Hershey's mix) and Mom told me I could only have a tiny piece! Grrrr. Life's not fair.
So. Let's see...well I've been practicing the singing techniques I've learned from my lesson every day. It's HARD! I just can't get the whole diaphragm thing just right! I can't wait till my next lesson on Monday so I can get it right.
Oh, and last Tuesday at mutual (for all you non-Mormons reading this, its when the youth of our church get together every week) we were all playing Steal the Bacon (yeah, I know) and me and this other guy (Lemon, for those of you who know him; for those who don't don't worry about it) crashed into each other, my face into his chest. The maddening thing is I was up immediately and saying 'Are you okay? Are you okay?' to HIM, when I guarentee I was probably more hurt! And then he just laid there on the ground moaning and I was thinking, What a WIMP!!!!!!! But WHATEVER. 
So, now we're all watching the Olympics opening ceremony and its INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! Oh my goodness its like HOW is it possible to do all that!
So, I'm going to stop blogging to watch the ceremonies some more.
Hey, this wasn't bad for a third post!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Voice Lessons and...forgot the other thing.

Hello again! Still new at this. 
The most exciting thing happened yesterday. I. Took. A. VOICE LESSON!!!! My first, actually. It was so cool! But it was kinda annoying because we went at the scheduled time at 1:45 PM and it turned at the teacher had accidentally scheduled another lesson at that time after driving ALL the way to Pecheco but she was very nice so I forgave her. Then we (Mom and I) went to Target :-) and went home and back again at 7:15 for the lesson. It was Exciting. Different. Weird. I dunno. It was an amazing lesson and she obviously knew how to sing, but the way she taught how to sing was COMPLETELY different from anything I'd ever done. It's like my whole perspective on singing and what singing IS completely shifted and it kinda freaked me out. But I'm going back next Monday for another lesson! I'm SO excited! 
So I was practicing singing today in my room the way she had taught me, and I know I sounded weird because of all the exercises she told me to do but when I came out of my room my little brother (MC) came up to me and said 'Jeez I thought you were dying in there!' I swear he'd better watch what he says or one of these days...anyways.
Wow, not bad for a second post!  

Friday, August 1, 2008

Hello World!

Hi! This is my first blog ever (thank you annadee)!!!! Now what do I write.... I dunno. I'll write more later if I think of something. I'm really bad at this blogging thingy. So. Goodbye for now!