Friday, August 8, 2008

My brother's grad party is so exclusive.

My brother is having a grad party and all his friends are outside and Mom is SO intent on making sure we don't get anywhere near them its SO annoying. So we just have to sit around inside watching them ALL have fun and its not like I WANT to hang out with seniors but its annoying that we can't even eat with them for Pete's sake! At least we can watch the opening ceremonies for the Olympics with them but we have to watch ALL the way from the kitchen! I mean COME ON! We're not even allowed to go near them when we're all just WATCHING TV? And plus I was even nice enough to make delicious homemade brownies for the party (oh, fine, I used a Hershey's mix) and Mom told me I could only have a tiny piece! Grrrr. Life's not fair.
So. Let's see...well I've been practicing the singing techniques I've learned from my lesson every day. It's HARD! I just can't get the whole diaphragm thing just right! I can't wait till my next lesson on Monday so I can get it right.
Oh, and last Tuesday at mutual (for all you non-Mormons reading this, its when the youth of our church get together every week) we were all playing Steal the Bacon (yeah, I know) and me and this other guy (Lemon, for those of you who know him; for those who don't don't worry about it) crashed into each other, my face into his chest. The maddening thing is I was up immediately and saying 'Are you okay? Are you okay?' to HIM, when I guarentee I was probably more hurt! And then he just laid there on the ground moaning and I was thinking, What a WIMP!!!!!!! But WHATEVER. 
So, now we're all watching the Olympics opening ceremony and its INCREDIBLE!!!!!!! Oh my goodness its like HOW is it possible to do all that!
So, I'm going to stop blogging to watch the ceremonies some more.
Hey, this wasn't bad for a third post!


Anonymous said...

hey emma! its amanda!!! sorry u cant go anywhere near them! i know ur moms trying 2 make it good 4 him, but i understand! thats cool that ur excited 4 voice lessons! uhhhh....... ya. MAN CRUSH!!!lol!

Katy said...

I bet that wimpy kid was just moaning because he didn't know how to handle his good luck--he got to collide with the lovely and amazing Emma Jojo!! Really, who can blame the poor kid? :)

ps, totally dismiss this if the guy in question is creepy or gross--what a creepy and/or gross sissyface!!

Anonymous said...

ROFL!!!!!!!!!! I am laughing SOOOO freakin' hard right now. like i am SERIOUSLY about to wet my pants. (ok not really). that is hilarious! i started laughing when ur like " i ran into this guy lemon my head into his chest..." i mean u could have said just "this guy" but u went all out and said lemon. HAHA!!!!! i luv ya emma. sorry u couldn't have any brownies. thats sad. c u later!

Lauren A said...

ahahahaha that thing about Lemon was hilarious! that happened to me in p.e. one time--we were running for the softball at the same time and i slammed into his chest and skidded on my knee. i had to go to the bathroom cuz it was bleeding and now i have a permanently pink patch on my knee from T.D. haha. so embarrassing, but i can totally laugh about it now :D
talk 2 u later emma!